look for peace

excerpts from Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”

A.B. Godfreed
2 min readJul 15, 2022
photograph by A.B. Godfreed

disaster, drastic upheaval, deep loss
dreadful suffering
on other sentient beings
the ego needs
problems, conflict, and “enemies”
the world’s suffering is
a bottomless pit

mental commentary running:
unease, worry, anxiety,
nervousness, tension, dread,
phobia and so on
[o]thers may be much harder
to label
psychological time
a mental disease
misidentification with mind
habit to monitor

[p]resence is the key to freedom
become you
bring more consciousness into your life
love, joy and peace
energy field of your body
rooted within yourself
joy arises from within
deep states of Being
this is inner peace




A.B. Godfreed

Non-Entity with a clear purpose to transform self (& perhaps the world) through critical consciousness and Love.