
when good money always follows bad

A.B. Godfreed
2 min readAug 14, 2022
photograph by A.B. Godfreed

crazy sad existence if we’d tell
the truth has gone to stay
nowhere on this burning-drowning-sinking, planetary extinction
where volition surrenders
to man eats woman eats child eats cow
eats grass, it’s ozone layer going, going


is this land of freedom, in which
we just keep cultivating a convoy obsessed
crop of mannerless insecurity
seated in high places
full of pompous commands,
terrified of being found w/o real power,
yet, determining our future

and we, some chosen few, a little connection wise
acquire the privilege of being treated as suspect
w/ bribe-full incapability
but still skipping a lowly station, such is
access, through those hallways — incomplete, constitutional deterioration,
trampling on other’s rights to fair & equal treatment

it’s everyday corruption — that dangerous dance of
not who you know
but rather who knows you
who no longer wishes to…



A.B. Godfreed

Non-Entity with a clear purpose to transform self (& perhaps the world) through critical consciousness and Love.